Dancing the Lucid Dream
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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Fri May 30, 2014 11:53 am

Chapter 2 Blurb Originally written August 30 2013 Pagan

The fire had burned down to flickering embers. I poked the remnants of what I had been burning with a stick. I get some twisted form of satisfaction when they crumbled and fell into nothing but ashes and smudges. I had driven out to this little camping area in the middle of nowhere during the afternoon. From there it was a two mile hike into the woods, leaving the trail far behind, until I had found this clearing. The fire was a product of dried grass, old wood and zippo fluid. Once it was a gluttonous blaze happily devouring a triangle of thick branches and logs, I pulled the plastic garbage bag out of my pack. I examined it once, making sure there were no holes, still firmly knotted shut. Satisfied that not even a single drop of blood had escaped, I nodded to myself and unceremoniously dropped it the center of the blaze. The plastic melted first, but once the pieces inside caught fire, well it was nearly a white hot for a good five minutes. A slow circle of the fire confirms the entire contents are burning, nothing escapes. I chew the tip of my tongue and wish it was something.. someone else that's burning on that pyre. Someday, I silently promise the shadows and the night.  That one word is my silent prayer, my focus, my mantra, Someday.

My cell lit up, three text messages almost at the same time. "Done." "Accomplished." "One crispy critter.. check!" I respond, "Fin." This was one yebar'** that was never coming back. The fire slowly burns down and I kicked dirt on the ashes before starting back to my car. On the way I called him and spoke softly as I meandered through the summer flora. The scent of dried grass, rich earth, and a cool night breeze remind me of another time, long gone, as I mummer to the silent presence on the line. The parking area is almost empty.There's probably a few people camping, but they're not my concern. I chuck the pack in the back and the cell in the passenger seat.

It was nearly a full moon. The pale light was more than enough for me to drive these abandoned back roads with out my headlights. The upside to the Midwest of America, the hundreds of back roads to take you any where. I shifted gears again and glanced at the speedometer, more curiosity than actual concern. About 135 kilometers per hour. Not perfect, but gravel and unpaved roads aren't ideal. I glance again, reminding myself America goes by miles. Ah, just over 80 miles per hour. I make a bench mark in my head, I hate conversions. The road starts to curve and I'm forced to drop some speed as a serpentine section lies ahead. I toy with the idea of shooting straight through the curves, but this car lacks clearance and handling. I frown at the shadows, missing all wheel drive with traction control.

These rides are quiet when I'm alone. Music seems blasphemous in my nocturnal solitude. Miles whip past under the silent scrutiny of stars and the moon. The back of my mind is calm and I wonder if he's asleep, if he's dreaming. I shake my head and chew a few caffeine pills. I mixed strong mints with them attempting to cover the bitter taste. The end result is mint flavored awful, but it keeps me awake.  I'd lost count of the hours I had been awake.

I was contemplating finding a major highway and a rest stop to try and sleep when the a small glow lit up on the passenger seat. I had an incoming call. Two minutes later and sleep is forgotten. Funny the things that inspire adrenaline, anticipation. The new destination in the on-board GPS points me North and a little East. No sleep tonight. There are miles to burn and a new list of names blazing in my mind. I whisper a new word to the silent interior.  The sound of it makes my heart beat faster and any remaining fatigue melts away. I smile to myself and I know it's not a very nice smile. "Soon," I promise the night, "Soon."

**yebar pronounced ee bur, is Russian for Fucker

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Fri May 30, 2014 12:10 pm

June 10 2013 Shaeyde

Thankfully I had my own car so by the time all was said and done at the end of the day, I could say my farewells to the little tykes and Mamma M, the twins merely getting a grin and a wink as I ducked out the door, shoes in hand to make my way to where my chariot home awaited me. It saved me the time of waiting for the bus, or calling a cab which meant I could possibly even catch an hour or so of studying before I had to get ready. I wasn't sure there was another recently turned twenty one year old who was so ecstatic about such a thing, then again, I was sort of comfortable with being an oddity.

I wasn't surprised to find Pappa still out when I got home, though I did make a point to leave a well detailed note sending both my love as well as the plans for where I would be this evening. I knew that last part wasn't needed, but you might say I was a Daddy's Girl and there was very little that I kept from him. Scooting into the Kitchen, I made a quick sandwich and grabbed a yogurt as well before heading up the stairs, taking them two at a time. It was a good thing that I'd made sure to find out if there was any type of dress code, otherwise I might have went and ended up feeling even more awkward. Ah the joys of fore thought and planning.

Digging through my closet, I yanked out the hanger for an outfit that Mum had demanded I agree to her purchasing. Perfectly colored to match my hair, it was a slinky but casual, fitting but comfortable sleeve of crushed velvet, or as some called it velour. It left my arms bare, the straps riding my shoulders, as the stockings that went with it would play polar opposite and cover my legs completely. Black ankle boots with just enough heel to accentuate the length of my legs. There was even a cute little woven choker and a few mismatched bangles to go on one slender wrist. Laying it all out on the bed with a simple set of ice blue lingerie, I quickly hopped a shower. Washing the smell of the Pavilion off of me, I was a quick one cleaning unlike some females who took two hours or more. In fact, I was showered and dressed in under twenty five minutes. As to my hair, I left it down and out, merely towel drying it a bit before running a brush through it. Sliding in the contacts that took my eyes from the verdant green to a shade of blue that complimented my outfit, I tossed two of my course books and a notepad into a shoulder bag.

It was warm enough that I didn't bother grabbing a jacket as I jetted down the stairs and out the door. Keys in hand, I slid into the driver's seat and made the trip to the designated meeting place in relative silence, really to nervous to even bother with putting any music on. Once I was parked, the engine turned off, I sat there for a moment, rubbing my palms on the seat. It wasn't like this was an actual date. It couldn't be that bad. Chastising myself for suddenly being such a cowardly lioness, I stepped out of the car, locking it and tucking my keys into an inner pocket of the shoulder bag before zipping it shut and slinging it over my arm.

Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women <a href=Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Caro12" />

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Fri May 30, 2014 12:14 pm

June 10 2013 Pagan

No sooner had you slung the bag over you shoulder than you heard someone shout your name and rapid foot steps. You knew it was Kar before you turned around, simply because Cade would never raise his voice like that. As you turn around you see Kar jogging over to you looking excited and Cade strolling behind him like he has all the time in the world, but that smirk was hard to miss. "Caro, I wasn't sure you'd actually show, and damn you look amazing." Kar's not the least bit winded from running half way across the parking ramp to meet you.

Cade's gentle chastise, "Calm down, Kar." He shakes his head and turns his honey and clover eyes to you," Though we can be sure his eyes are functioning, he's right you look amazing. Shall we? It's just across the park." Across from the parking garage is a large green park, there's a walk that runs through it and over a foot bridge, a small tributary to the Missouri River, which you can see over the hills of the park. You've walked this several times, there are a lot of bars across park including Haven, so you're familiar with the walk.
Kar practally walks backwards to speak to you and Cade as you walk and he makes jokes and tries to show off while they walk. You know, he acts like a typical young guy hanging out with friends. Including climbing up on the rail of the bridge and standing on top of it with no handholds. A glare from Cade and Kar sheepishly climbs back down. "If you fall in, I am so not jumping in after you." Cade shakes his head, but the glare only lasted for a moment before he chuckles and smirks again. Even Cade seems to be in a good mood. They amuse and entertain you, you know the neighborhood so you haven't been paying absolute attention. The next thing you know you're at a very familiar set of doors.

Your co-worker David is manning the Doors. 6 foot tall and arms coiled with wiry muscle, David is a fairly quiet bouncer and very through about checking ID's. He's hit his thirties and has prematurely grayed where this dark bown hair brushes his temples. As the boys walk up with you he does raise an eyebrow. "And just what do you think you two boys are doing with a nice girl like Caro?" I assume that surprised looks go all around as they did not know you worked here and you didn't know they were taking you here. David seems to ignore the awkwardness. Looking at your back pack, "Ah now I see why you boys wanted a booth. Go on then, get inside and have a good night." He doesn't even glance at their ID's as he waives you all past and stops a group of girls to check their ID's. Assuming you step into the familiar enterance, Cade gives you an amused look, "Didn't know you knew David or I would have just asked you to meet us here."

Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women <a href=Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Twin_s10" />

Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women <a href=Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Twin_s11" />

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Fri May 30, 2014 12:15 pm

June 11 2013 Shaeyde

"I see you still follow the color coding perfectly. Though I'm not sure why. It's not like you're impossible to tell apart from one another. In fact there's quite a few differences if you ask me. You didn't but I'm going to give my two cents anyways. Personality is one, the eyes another, though I think the big tell for me was how you guys smell. You can tell a lot by scent , but it's one of those senses people never give enough credit to. The two of you look nice though, comfortable too."

-- I had carefully, and casually (or so I hoped) managed to pretend I hadn't noticed their comment on my appearance. Their mirth was infectious, even if it was more noticeable from Kar than it was Cade. That wasn't surprising though as he simply was the more vocal, the more acting out orientated of the two. That wasn't to say that I didn't thing Cade was having fun, he just showed it differently. Less loudly. It was easy enough to brush fingertips against his wrist as he scolded Kar for his rambunctious activities on the railing, a slight smile being thrown his way before shooting my gaze up to Kar himself. --

"It looks like I'd have to ruin my dress, but I would. Not that I actually think you'll fall in mind you. Your footing is too good, your balance to keen I think. Unless of course something were to distract you. I really don't mind the water you know. I'm actually passably good in it. I was looking into aquatic studies before I fell in love with the giant cats and to ever have hope of progressing there, you kind of have to love water."

-- Part of why I didn't notice how quick our walk had went, or where it ended us up was because I was the one distracted. Between my little blurbs of self explanation and their own antics and jovial nature, I would have been fine with walking all night with them and never even going to this bar that they were so certain they could get into. In fact, I was enjoying myself so fully that my course work was a forgotten weight hanging at my side. Okay so maybe I would have had to go somewhere for a little while, or make it home at some point to study, but the point was Ms studyaholic had forgotten about it for a bit in the company of these two. I wasn't reminded of it again until I found myself at the doors to the bar I worked at.

Grinning the inch up at David that I was lacking, I brushed my cheek against his, offering my usual quiet smile before heading inside with the guys. Trying not to laugh too much at Cade's expense, though it might have been both of ours at that point, I merely shrugged. --

"You never mentioned the name of the Bar you were taking me to and I never asked. I'd have met you here no problem considering I was half expecting them to call me into work tonight. As for knowing David, I see him several nights a week when I come to clock in, so I would hope I know him. He's a complete sweetheart honestly. He makes sure to take good care of us girls and doesn't let anyone try screwing with us."

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Fri May 30, 2014 12:16 pm

June 11 2013 Pagan

"Well at least you'll be comfortable," Cade smirks. The next few hours pass in a blur. Your books get placed under the table of a booth, and are soon forgotten. Between the twin's antics, the exorbitant amount of food they order and eat. It's nice not to have to worry about how much you eat, they both easily double what you could hold and then eat some more, but it doesn't seem to slow them down. Eventually they ask you to dance as a band takes stage. Cade wins the first dance by tricking Kar into getting drinks. He cuts in and it becomes a game to see how many ways they can cut in on each other without missing a beat. They aren't professionals but they don't dance like your typical white boys, if you know what I mean. It's been a few hours and you notice a woman stalk past David. She's only 5"8' even with the thick heal on her boots giving her at least 3 inches. Your not sure what the black material of her pants is made of but it's gotta be stretchy or she poured herself into them. Her black leather biker jacket has emerald green tribal flames running up the arms and across the shoulders. Her shoulder length black hair has a slight wave and is half in her face as the turns towards the bar. David turns to say something and she spins on her heals and glares at him. David puts his hands up in a gesture you've never seen him make before as if to say, "my bad," You catch a flicker of dark green eyes as she runs them over the room then continues to the bar. You recognize Stacy another waitress/bartender walk over to take her order. Mystery girl shakes her head and points to the other bartender Mike, who's almost always working the bar. Stacy puts on her "I can handle this problem customer smile," and says something. You can only see the strange woman's back, but you can see Stacey's expression enough to know she just said something probably very rude or cold. Stacey hurries off to take Mikes place. Mike merely nods at the apparently bitchy customer and walks over. He raises a bottle of vodka and a shot glass, and the woman shakes her head and gestures him closer.

Mike leans in and you can tell the woman is talking. Mike shakes his head and shrugs. The woman shakes her head and leans in. Mike stands a little taller, something he only usually does when there's going to be a problem and shakes his head apologetically.

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Fri May 30, 2014 12:18 pm

June 11 2013 Pagan

You tell the boys your gonna go grab a drink and you'll be right back. They smile and tell you not to get lost. It's easy enough to weave through the crowd and slip a few chairs down on the bar. The first thing you realize is the woman is speaking in Russian, and though she's trying to keep her tone level, the clench of her jaw and the sharp cut to the articulation, she's getting frustrated. "I don't care, if he's busy I need to speak with the owner now. Charlie Newman, I need to speak with him now it's business."
Mike continues to shake his head and replies in Russian, though you didn't know he spoke it. "Mr. Newman's not in now if it involves the bar, I can"
"It's his personal business," she cuts mike off and leans in, still in her perfect Russian. "and if he's not hear get him on the fucking phone, it's important, please." The please comes out with more teeth than necessary.
"Who should I say is calling?" Mike switches back to English.
"A relative," she states. Now Mr. and Mrs Newman are both fair skinned with blond hair. Mike gives her a look that says "are you fucking kidding me." Mike picks up the phone and dials.

He takes a few steps closer to you so you hear him mutter,"crazy bitch," before he hits the talk button. He quickly explains over the phone to Chuck about the crazy lady, looks mildly suprised, then walks over and hands her the phone.

The conversation is quick and clipped, saddly you only get the woman's responces, still in Russian. "Is this Charlie Newman? ... You should know better than to piss off a Shadow, especially one who's bringing you news..... I'm not gonna argue semantics with you up here.... Are you where you should be?...How do I get there? Da" and she hangs up on him. She pulls two twenties out of somewhere, and hands it and the phone over to Mike, "Thank you for you and the girl I yelled at earlier," Mike gives her a curt nodd but no smile. "Where's your restroom." He points, she turns and walks.

Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women <a href=Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Simona10" />

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Fri May 30, 2014 12:18 pm

June 11 2013 Pagan

As she walks down the hall way to the bathroom, you close the distance and actually hold the door open as she lets go of it. She walks into the red tiled bathroom, up to the counter and a mirror and runs her fingers through her hair so for a moment it's out of her face. You had caught a flash of green earlier when she looked at David, but in this light you realize she has cobalt green eyes. A fair amount of the frustrated tension has bled out of her but you can still feel her coiled like a spring, even though she looks completely relaxed. Her gaze shifts slightly to your reflection and she casts you a glance out of the corner of her eye. You meet her gaze and she keeps eye contact and turns to you. She doesn't say it but she raises an eyebrow and gestures in the confused body language of did you need something?

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Fri May 30, 2014 12:19 pm

June 11 2013 Shaeyde

-- I couldn't deny it but the night was absolutely amazing thus far. The guys were even more amazing once inside the club than they had been outside of it. I lost track of how long we had been joking and dancing. Heck, there wasn't a soul that should be able to eat as much as they had and still keep the trim figures that they had. Then there was the fact that they'd been able to dance so quickly afterwards. How unfair was that ? Most people would have been curled up in a bathroom somewhere, hurling their innards into a porcelain bowl. It just wasn't fair. But at least I hadn't stepped on their toes too much. That was I didn't think I had. Thankfully I had at some point remembered the most important thing, don't look at your feet. It was like a fear of heights though. Keep walking but never look down.

I had been fine until the woman had appeared. She looked a little out of sorts for the club, not that there was exactly a dress code, but maybe it came more from the way she carried herself. Watching her interaction with my fellow staff for a bit, I choked back a low growl of annoyance as she was obviously treating my crew like they were her servants and she some type of Goddess worthy of nothing less than immediate service and instant retrieval of whatever or whoever she wanted. Thus was why I had made my excuses to the boys and slipped off to eavesdrop, hopefully without being caught. None of it made a lick of sense, but my innate curiosity had yet again gotten the best of me and since my evening was interrupted already why not see what I could find out.

Through the crowd I had followed her, far enough back that if she looked there would be an easy cover. Using the crowd as camouflage, I only closed the distance to nearly riding her heels once we were in the more or less deserted hallways leading to the bathroom. Barely catching the door in time, I managed to hold it open and slip in after her. Taking the sink and mirror combo beside hers, I splashed my face a bit, glad that I had chosen to avoid the makeup tonight. Finally lookign back at her in time to catch her gaze, I shrugged, spouting the first thing, likely the worst thing to come to mind. --

"What's a Shadow ?"

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Fri May 30, 2014 12:19 pm

June 11 2013 Pagan

First both eyebrows raise like you did something interesting, then you get a grimace, she responds in English, "Um a shadow is what happens when somone or something blocks the light, eck but please speak english." She softens last comment with a light chuckle. "Did you follow me in here to ask me little questions to break the ice or were you hoping for a little, how you say?, one on one time." Her accent is pleasent, Eastern European something, and with her last words it comes off a little bit errotic. Of course the heated gaze she sweeps from your face down might be partly to blame for that.

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Fri May 30, 2014 12:21 pm

June 12 2013 Shaeyde
"That's not what you were talking about on the phone. I may be young but I'm not dumb."

-- Okay. Wowzers. This had gotten awkward quick, fast and in a hurry. Not that she wasn't beautiful enough in her own chew nails, spit staples sort of way, but I hadn't even kissed a guy yet so thinking sexual thoughts about another woman, or even having them thought in my direction needed the brakes put on. Breaking the ice though might be a bit helpful so that she didn't break my face instead, which she definitely looked like she could do especially given her mood. While she seemed less cranky than she had been out there, I don't think the woman was ever completely NOT cranky. Or ready to tear off the first person's head who annoyed her in 2.5 seconds or less. Granted she hadn't torn off either of my fellow employee's heads, and she had tipped the both of them for their time...Maybe whatever it was she was here for was too important to get kicked out ? If anyone could kick her out that was. I mean she looked a pretty mean deal and could probably hold her own against most of our security. Wait. Why was I having this mental conversation with myself ? --

"While you're absolutely stunning, and I'm sure there are a thousand and one people out there that would love to have some one on one time with you, that's not what I'm looking for. I don't think my first kiss is going to be in a bathroom, much less from another fema....Well that's awkward. I'm sure you have no concern about my love life, or lack thereof. Seriously though, what gives with you needing to talk to talk to Chuck. If you were really family you also wouldn't have called him Charlie."

-- I realized then that I had switched over to a flowing combination of Greek and Italian, the two languages, perfect accent and all falling from my lips in a naturally defined cadence. She had said English, not...Oh heck. Face-palming for a moment, I peered out at her from between my fingers. --

"I'm going to need to repeat that in English aren't I ?"

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Fri May 30, 2014 12:21 pm

June 12 2013 Pagan

The words had begun to pour from your lips in the unique blending of languages. Mystery girl's eyes widened only the most minuscule bit , perhaps a true indication that you had done something interesting. Those intense green eyes of her's never lost the sexual heat that by now was most likely making you blush. As the words ran like water, her smirk slowly grew wider and she slowly bit her lower lip. She took a bold step towards you, just inside your personal space bubble. Leaning her shoulder into the wall she let her hip just out as she leaned against it, a pose that should have been casual, not nearly as provocative as it seemed. Strangely it also brings to your attention the bathroom is empty, very very empty. "The adorable virgin is awkward, but very cute," she takes another step forward and only the smallest of space separates your bodies. (If you back up she will slowly back you into the wall by the door, if you stand your ground, with the second phrase you realize she's looking at your cleavage. Even in her heelzs u taller than her so it's not hard for her to look at them :3)
"I should get us company for our one on one time." She does the slow blink and look down that girls do when they are heavily flirting. "And," she pauses for emphasis and leans in just a little more whispers in your ear, "I should teach you many secrets." (if you let her back you into a wall her arm goes up against the wall. You've seen guys use that posts to kiss a woman hard against the wall. The other arm is back, allowing you to escape through the bathroom door should you desire.)

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Fri May 30, 2014 12:24 pm

June 12th 2013 Shaeyde

Company sounds like a great idea."

-- Nervous and awkward were starting to border panic, verdant green eyes widening more and more with each step she took closer. I wasn't going to mention the guys by name as I had no intention of dragging mamma M's nephews in here with this chick who had to be at least half crazy. This woman looked like she might do worse to them in the nails if she got interrupted from something she wanted. Wait. Was she even talking about other people or something else entirely ? And why were the guys the first ones to come to mind in this situation ? Probably because they're my escorts for the evening and at least one of them would likely feel the need to stand up for my honor. It was when I realized that she was clearly staring at my cleavage, her words of teaching me secrets that my panicked voice might have come out a little louder then I'd intended. --

"Not interested."

-- Blinking at the volume I'd trucked that out with, I thrust a hand out and attempted to buy myself some space with shoving her away. Trying to being the key word. My only half distant hope was that it didn't land somewhere that made this situation of her trying to come on to me worse. I was even in panic state refusing to give ground though. If I let her put me to that wall, I'd likely be trapped which would only make things worse. As much as I wanted my answers, I was starting to hope for a Savior. Anyone at this point to diffuse the situation would be nice. As long as it wasn't someone who would make it worse, i would so totally owe them. --

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Fri May 30, 2014 12:26 pm

June 12 2013 Pagan

Your hand shoots out and makes purchase on her shoulder, but she doesn't move, she doesn't even flinch really. The chick, who you have so kindly dubbed insane, (lolz i love it) sighs deeply and it seems to travel from her toes, up her legs, through her torso until it's finally exhaled from her lips and only then does she step back leaving you a space bubble again. She gives you a shrug her hands out and open, and she gives you a look that's clearly disappointed with a light sprinkle of apology, maybe she realized she scared you? "Can't blame a girl for trying," She flashes a smile that pretty much promises the phrase: if you don't wanna love me, then i'll find somebody else who will. "Now if you'll excuse me." She turns and with a saunter walks into the last stall and closes the door. You hear a zipper.

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Fri May 30, 2014 12:26 pm

June 12 2013

-- Not moving an inch until she was completely inside the stall, the sound of the Zipper seeming to snap me from out of whatever sort of daze I found myself in, I stumbled towards the little alcove in the wall that lead towards the small storage closet with it's convenient little window. Finding the door locked, it was an easy fix of giving it a solid jiggle then lifting ever so slightly. The moment the door was open, I virtually tumbled inside, fingers already reaching down to the flat case that was tucked in the little space between the back of my boot and my ankle. Only enough for a few cigarettes at most, a lighter was yanked from the back of the other boot. Prying the window in the closet open, I hopped up on a barrel, butt planting securely before leaning, okay maybe slouching against the wall.

I was okay, completely unharmed, just shaken, a thing which showed in the unsteady nature of my hand. Giving life to the end of the cigarette before tucking the lighter away, I took a first hearty drag before letting my eyes simply drift shut. I had nudged the door most of the way closed, that way the smoke wouldn't filter out into the bathroom. It wasn't exactly cool but I had done it a time or two before and not gotten caught, I was just hoping this would be another. I would go back out to the guys, I just needed to calm down before hand so that I didn't have to explain the situation. --

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:34 pm

June 12 2013 Pagan
It takes a few minutes but you do manage to stop the slight tremor in your hands, the tightness in your chest loosens with each drag from your cigarette. You're finally calming down, though you do notice a light headache starting between your eyes, and it feels kinda warm in here. Your starting to sweat just a little. You snub the cig out the window and take a deep breath and open the door to step back into the bathroom. Crazy bitch is nowhere to be seen. Now that you think of it, you didn't hear her relieving herself either. You know you didn't hear her leave, the bathroom door squeeks. She's just not there.

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:35 pm

June 12 2013 Shaeyde

"Oh you have got to be kidding me. Maybe I'm the crazy one."

-- Shutting the door to the storage closet securely behind me, I blinked as I looked around the bathroom. I hadn't been in there all that long. Had I seriously been so distracted that I missed the squeak of the door that I'd commented on needing to be oiled for weeks announcing her departure ? I mean heck, I hadn't even heard her pee, not that I'd been specifically listening or anything. Drawing a deep breath and exhaling, I splashed my face with some cool water a time or two before carefully patting it dry with some paper towels. Still not helping with the headache that had started to build, I went over to take a seat on the small bench that lined one wall for just such purposes. Putting my head down between my legs, I slowly tried settling my breathing. I'd head back out to the guys in a minute, just one. As soon as I was sure I was okay and not imagining crazy broads or feeling like I was warm enough to explode if things got any worse. --

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:36 pm

June 12 2013 Pagan
The headache isn't getting better but at least it's not getting worse, and you still feel warm. The A/c is cold enough you almost want to shiver, but you don't. You stand up slowly and the world tries to tilt a little. The whole room's not spinning, but you do feel a little light headed. You splash a little more water on your face before you go back to the dance floor. For a moment when you open the door and the air changes, you catch another fading wiff of the mystery chick's perfume. It's kind of distinctive, the sweet musk of jasmine and the almost light scent of waterlilies. If you had to put a word to it she smelled like night blooming flowers by flowing water. You don't smell it again. You make it back to the dance floor and find Kar and Cade are sitting by the bar, with your backpack. They are joking with Mike, the bar has started to wind down. ( Say it's nearly midnight, sunset about 8 met them about 9, dinner and dancing, then this little excursion, which you were only gone like 15/20 min. this place doesn't get a lot of the uber late clientel) "There you are, was starting to wonder if you ditched us, but then we found this so figured you were around."n Kar smiles in his typical exubriant fashion.

Cade does his customary eyebrow raise and a slow blink, "Are you alright? I was starting to worry."

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:37 pm

June 12 2013 Shaeyde

-- I must have eaten something wrong. Or maybe it was something off with one of my drinks. It could have even been something about the sudden flux of uncontrollable emotion...Was I having an actual panic attack ? It was doubtful as I was able to walk well enough even if I felt a little lightheaded. My bigger concern was driving home tonight. I could always hope I felt better within the next bit, or worst case scenario, maybe get David or Mike to drive me. I had no intentions of letting my companions of the evening know anything was wrong. The woman was still on my mind though, her unique scent one that stuck with me even after I stopped catching the little telltale whiffs of it here and there.

By the time I reached the group of them at the bar, my dress was likely dry enough from any water I might have dripped on it while splashing my face. If anywhere was damp, it would be the curling tendrils of my hair that were tightening into little waves right around my temples. Flashing the best smile I was able at Kar, I moved forward just enough to brush a chaste kiss to his cheek as a silent sort of thanks for remembering my bag. Settling onto the empty stool between the two of them, my hand found one of Cade's and gave the faintest of squeezes in an attempt to show him I was okay. Taking a second longer than perhaps was needed to draw back, I shot a look over the bar at Mike. --

"If it's not too much trouble, think I could catch a ride home when I split from these two hooligans ? I think I'm more tired than I realized and I'm not sure I should be driving."

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:42 pm

June 12 2013 Pagan

You lean over to see if Mike will give you a ride since you feel like shit. He looks a little concerned, he can't cause he works till close. Unfortunately so does David. Cade offers to drive you home, Kar can follow in their wheels. You nod feeling too crappy really to argue. As you start to walk back it gets harder to keep the world from tilting. Cade grabs your bag from you and takes the weight off. It was nice that was getting unbearably heavy on your shoulder. Cade noticing you're not doing so hot, shoulders your bag and wraps an arm around your waste, "Damn," he mutters pulling you into his shoulder, "you are burning up." You get off the busy streets with the bars and head across the park. Kar has been walking in front a few steps, occasionally moving a drunk person or two out of your way. You get to the bridge and the breeze off the water feels amazing. There are the occasional streetlights, but plenty of shadow on both sides of the bridge. It's pretty empty this time of night. It's a good 50 yards across.

You get about dead center when Kar stops, Cade of course stops. You see the glow of a cherry at the far end of the bridge. And this guy, (#1) walks into the streetlight looking at all of you, behind him is a guy in a hoodie, you can't see his face but his hands are in the hoodie pockets. Your really feeling shitty disorientated, they're talking to Cade and Kar, but your not getting much, you pick up the #1 saying "the girl" and "filthy Heirs?" Kar keeps between you and Cade and the strangers. #1 walks up to Kar, mutters something. Kar glances at the other one who pulls his hood back. You figure dude must be wearing a mask or some kinda costume make up, no one is that ugly. Leathery skin pulled tight over the skull, uneven patches of hair, red eyed and all teeth seem sharpened to a point. Kar takes half a step back and #1 decks him. Kar grunts but manages to connect with the guy's face. #1 doesn't even turn his head and laughs a cold cruel laugh, before he back hands Kar and sends him flying a good 10 feet into the railing. You hear metal ring as he makes impact. Cade hisses and swings you easily into his arms.

The monster in the hoodie, clicks his tongue and waives a black gun, not directly pointed at you, waives his finger like he's scolding you. Kar's trying to pull himself up off the concrete and #1 is closing on him. There's another noise like a hiss mixed with a faint whistle. The gun goes flying out of the freak's hand and over the edge. The noise happens again and the monster's left knee gives. A third time and the one closing on Kar stumbles as his ankle blooms in red. A slightly husky female voice with an exotic accent yells, "Run! Go!" The strange sound happens two three more times as Cade turns to run. The big guy#1 is starting to get up and so is that Monster, Kar looks dazed. Someone brushes past you. Midnight black hair, a gun, a flash of a blade, and the last impression you get before you close your eyes, so your not sick while Cade runs with you in his arms, is the flash of a green flame pattern on a leather jacket.

Cade tries to be gentle but he needs to be fast now and breaths apologies in your ear. You hear the sequel of tires, someone yells you hear a bullet graze the alley wall as Cade ducks into it. That's pretty much when it occurs to you someone is shooting at you. Cade slips behind a dumpster and places a few fingers to your lips to keep you quiet. He's trying to control his own breathing. You hear the crunch of someone's shoes, they stop in front of the dumpster but he doesn't look behind it. A painfully slow few seconds pass, before someone hisses, "shit lost 'em" and you hear the quick footsteps retreat. Cade is slowly peaking out behind the dumpster, when you lul your head up. On the fire escape to the 3rd floor is a strange looking girl with blue hair and a strange outfit. She puts a finger to her lips and smiles, your not sure but you think you see fangs. She winks. You blink. She disappears. You must pass out, at some point you remember Cade shaking you, "Caro, come on Caro, you need to wake up enough to drink this, it'll make you feel better. Please." Your laying on a bed, at least it feels soft like a bed. You feel like your burning up, your skull has to be fractured to hurt this bad. You don't know if the moisture on your face is sweat or tears. You fade out a gain. You come back with someone is slowly pouring something cool and soothing down your throat. On instinct you cover the hand holding the glass to your mouth with your own hand and down the rest of it. This process repeats a few times. The pain fades. It washes away with the wonderful cool liquid. A soft hand on your forehead, a soothing masculine voice purrs comfort. "Rest Caro, sleep, we'll still be here when you wake, please sleep." Yes sleep you're so tired, so very very tired.

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Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women Empty Re: Chapter 2 A Night Out and Misterious Women

Post by Admin Thu Jun 05, 2014 8:30 pm

If I hadn't been progressively getting worse, it might have actually been enjoyable to have Cade's arm slung around me the way it was. For the moment it was just nice because it gave me something to lean into as I made my best attempt to walk a straight line. His comment about my temperature merely earned him a quiet, "See I knew you thought I was hot" before my head rested against his shoulder. When we were passing over the bridge, the sense of almost relief brought about by the breeze had a quiet sigh of pleasure unfurling from my lips, a hand subconsciously reaching out towards the water that promised to soothe whatever was causing me to feel like warmed over butt. The only thing to distract me from that was when we stopped so unexpectedly at the middle of the bridge. Why oh why of all nights did I have to feel so out of sorts ? I usually never got sick.

My eyes widened when I saw what had to be an illusion. Maybe it was makeup but nothing ever looked that real, and it wasn't like this was the movies or something. Maybe I was just that tired and had passed out, leaving this all to be a dream. When the impact of Kar hitting the rail sounded I knew that this wasn't make believe but very, very real. Cade's swift movement only went further to confirm that thought. One of the last things I saw was Kar struggling to get up before whoever these people were got to him. Watching enough movies to realize that crying out right now might only distract him and thus cause him further harm, I went to bury my face against Cade's shoulder when the world seemed to explode into action around us. That last glance showed me an all too familiar jacket, which wrought from me the mumbled comment of, "Thought I was rid of her." As close as he was likely holding me, he may or may not have heard it, his focus already being distracted as it was.

Teeth found purchase in my lower lip, eyes closed as tightly as i could bare so that I didn't loose my dinner all over poor Cade. I suppose one of the few things that kept me focused and not taking the opportunity to just slip under to make it all go away was the sound of his apologies pressed so close to my ear. That and that strange but by no means unpleasant scent of his. Arms banded around his waist, as best as I could, some vain attempt to help ease the burden of my wight, minimal as it seemed to be to him. I vaguely felt the touch of his fingertips on my lips, a plea for silence that I was all too willing to comply to. The last time I opened my eyes it was to see another strange woman above us. Fangs. She so did not have fangs. Maybe I was hallucinating by this point which may have been a good thing considering all the weirdness I was seeing.

I slept then. I think. Or maybe there was mercy somewhere and I passed out completely. The next span of time was all jumbled. Some sleep. Waking partially again to so much pain that lopping off my head might just have been kinder. Cade's voice pleading with me to wake up and drink something. It sounded like he was still worried. Poor Cade. I still hadn't heard Kar's voice. Where was Kar ? I faded again waking only to joining my hand to that masculine one to drink something. I drank willingly. Almost desperately as whatever the beverage was, it stole the pain. Took the heat away and left me feeling....I wasn't sure other than I was tired. Taking some strange sort of confidence in that voice, I finally actually slept.

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